Diagnosis and Reinforcement of Wooden Structural Elements and Systems
The activities are therefore aimed at pursuing the following objectives:
– to increase knowledge on the physical-mechanical properties of ancient wood in relation to their structural function;
– to develop a software to support the collection and management of information, visual and instrumental, deriving from the diagnosis of wooden structures and useful for the design of any necessary reinforcement;
– to develop an innovative reinforcement system of new and old wooden elements based on the use of new generation carbon fabrics applied through adhesives that are highly compatible with the wood material and that do not present complications in use.
– while carbon fiber fabrics remain the focus of the experimentation, innovative fabrics based on natural fibers will also be evaluated and tested.
Financed by: Regione Toscana
Call: POR CREO FESR 2014-2020 Action 1.1.3 ” Sostegno ai processi di innovazione nelle MPMI manifatturiere ‐ Aiuti agli investimenti per l’innovazione “
Beneficiary companies: C-Six srl (lead partner – www.c-six.it), LegnoDOC srl, Impresa Aliberto Saccenti
Service providers: CNR-IBE, Coopolis Spa
Scientific coordinator for IBE
Michele Brunetti (michele.brunetti [ at ] ibe.cnr.it)
Benedetto Pizzo (benedetto.pizzo [ at ] ibe.cnr.it)
CNR-IBE participants: Giovanni Aminti, Paolo Burato, Marco Degl’Innocenti, Nicola Macchioni, Michela Nocetti, Paolo Pestelli, Graziano Sani