Natural ZEolites for the integrated defense of the OLIVE and the Environment: contrasting the olive fly and improving the quality of the soil
[duration of the project 04/2019 – 04/2022]
ZEOLIVA is part of the perspective of greater sensitivity towards the environment, with particular regard to the improvement in the MANAGEMENT OF FERTILIZERS AND PLANT DRUGS, maintaining or increasing the efficiency of the use of nutrients by crops and the defense against agents pathogens. The use of innovative and natural formulations with low environmental impact for the control of the olive fly and as a means to reduce the quantities of nitrogen fertilizers, can represent a tool for reducing the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, whose residues can affect the healthiness of oils and olives as well as have a negative effect on the environment.
Scientific Manager
Prof Massimo Coltorti
Università di Ferrara
Dip. di Fisica e Scienze della Terra
UO CNR IBE Manager
dr.ssa Annalisa Rotondi
annalisa.rotondi [ at ]